
Some of you may have recognized me from my other blog over at Zen Scribbles as that charming girl with the great sense of humour and awesome writing style, and you must have thought, “Great. Now we have to deal with even more of her stuff.” But I’m here to tell you not to worry. This blog won’t be about me (sadly), but mostly about a PC video game I’ve been working on recently, called Cedaria: Blackout. 

This is my first time working as a game writer, but I do have previous writing experience, having published a novel titled “Puppet Parade” and wrote a number of other manuscripts, with one soon to be published (if the game doesn’t get in the way of that!). Through this blog, I will be giving you some sneak peeks, talk about the characters, the story line… and the general development process in general. So basically you’ll get to learn about the stuff I’m working on from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and some hours of the night… oh, will you look at that? I did manage to get myself in there! Aren’t you all a lucky bunch? =D

Of course, there are many other great people working on this project as well, with designers, artists, composers and consultants from various backgrounds and nationalities, and hopefully I will be able to  blackmail them into doing a feature feature them sometime in the future.

So, with that out of the way, all that’s left to say is… welcome to Cedaria.

Or its blog, anyway!


2 thoughts on “About

  1. Congrats! I’ve nominated your blog for a Liebster Award. If you are interested, you can go to:

    • Hey, thanks! Unfortunately, as this is more of a game blog than a personal blog, I wouldn’t be able to answer those questions you have, but I still do appreciate the thought! 🙂

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